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What is causing this error?

Asked by 9 years ago

I cannot for the like of me determine what's causing this error. The relevant code for the script is located here, and the error + part that's erroring is below:


20:48:03.053 - An error occurred
20:48:03.054 - Script 'Workspace.GetProperties', Line 388 - upvalue cmdCompile
20:48:03.054 - Script 'Workspace.GetProperties', Line 393 - local cmdCompile
20:48:03.055 - Script 'Workspace.GetProperties', Line 399
20:48:03.056 - Stack End

local function cmdCompile(obj)
 local str = "Create(\""..obj.ClassName.."\"){\n"
 local num = 0
 for i, v in pairs(getProperties(obj.ClassName, dTags)) do
  local strV = getStringVersion(obj[i], { }) -- Line 388
  str = str..i.." = "..strV..";\n"
  num = num + 1
 for i, v in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) do
  str = str..cmdCompile(v)..";\n" -- Line 393
 str = str.."}"
 return str

print(cmdCompile(workspace)) -- This is line 399, and it was for testing purposes

If I remove the second for loop it works just fine, but that rather limits my uses for this script, so...

Can we have the full, reproducible code? This error seems like something going awry with obtaining something from a ROBLOX object, but can't be sure without personal tests. MrNicNac 855 — 9y

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