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How to make a black hole (Something that pulls other objects toward it)?

Asked by
RedCombee 585 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I have no idea on this one, but I'd like to know if anyone could let me know what force is needed to do so.

Try bodyforce, I usually use it for moving platforms, but im sure it would work if you scripted something up My_Comment 95 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

Here's a script I made that you should put in a part that's at the centre of the black hole, commented so you know what does what:

hole = script.Parent -- A variable, lets us find the centre of the hole easily

function getDescendants(m) -- A relatively complex function, won't explain
    local t = {}
    for _, c in pairs(m:GetChildren()) do
        table.insert(t, c)
        local desc = getDescendants(c)
        for _, d in pairs(desc) do
            table.insert(t, d)
    return t

-- add the event here

while true do -- Loop
    for _, part in pairs(getDescendants(game.Workspace)) do -- Do this for every part in Workspace
        if part:IsA("BasePart") then -- are we looking at a part? If so, do inside
            if part:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") == nil then -- are we not already sucking in this part? we do this to prevent lag
                bp ="BodyPosition", part) -- Make a BodyPosition in the part. BodyPosition sucks objects to a position.
                bp.position = hole.Position -- suck to the black hole               
                bp.maxForce =, 9001, 9001) -- pull REALLY hard
            end  -- End if
        elseif part:IsA("ManualWeld") then --is it a weld?
            part:Destroy() -- THEN DESTROY IT
        end -- End if
    end -- End for
    wait(1) -- Wait. If we don't ROBLOX will crash.
end -- End the loop

THIS WILL LAG HARD. It will kill players, and won't take anchored parts. If you want to destroy the parts when they touch the black hole, add this at -- add the event here:

hole.Touched:connect(function(part) -- when something touches the hole
    if not part:IsA("Terrain") then -- is it not a terrain block? Terrain cannot be destroyed for some reason
        part:Destroy() -- DESTROY IT
end) -- end event

If you want to unanchor anchored parts, add part.Anchored = false after if part:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") == nil then.

Here it is in action.


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