The Randomizer part itself I think works, but the feature that makes it usable by the group is broken, I think. If you could fix it that would be great! THANKS!
TeamOne = 0 TeamTwo = 0 TeamColorOne = "Bright red" TeamColorTwo = "Bright blue" CanChat = true local Administrators = {"Rurith"} local GroupID = 954478 local GroupRankPermission = 11 local RunText = "!run/" game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(Player) Player.Chatted:connect(function(Chat) local HasAdministrators = false for i = 1, #Administrators do if Player.Name == Administrators[i] then HasAdministrators = true break end end if HasAdministrators == false and Player:IsInGroup(GroupID) and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= GroupRankPermission then HasAdministrators = true end function onChat(Chat) if Chat:lower():sub(1,RunText:len()) == RunText then TeamOne = 0 TeamTwo = 0 if CanChat then CanChat = false Get = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#Get do wait(0.1) RanNum = math.random(1, 2) if RanNum == 1 then if TeamOne <= TeamTwo + 1 then Get[i].TeamColor = TeamOne = TeamOne + 1 end end if RanNum == 2 then if TeamTwo <= TeamOne + 1 then Get[i].TeamColor = TeamTwo = TeamTwo + 1 end end end CanChat = true end end end function onEnter(NewPlayer) NewPlayer.TeamColor ="White") for _,v in pairs(Administrators) do if NewPlayer.Name == v then NewPlayer.Chatted:connect(onChat) end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(onEnter)