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Loading Gui, StarterGui, or PlayerGui?

Asked by
Jurdy 0
10 years ago

If i was making a Loading Gui, would i use StarterGui or PlayerGui and why?

If you look on the wiki, you'll notice that there is a special service for loading screens. Perci1 4988 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

I am not a expert at scripting, I have only been scripting(successfully) for about three months, but since no one has answered you, I will give it a go. If you put the Gui in Start Gui, then EVERY time that the person respawns, the loading screen will be there.

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)-- put your GUI INSIDE of this script
LoadClone = script.Bob:Clone() --put the name of the gui instead of NAMEOFGUIHERE, this line copies the GUI
LoadClone.Parent = player.PlayerGui --this line make the GUI's parent PlayerGui

-- this script was made by LUVMARIOLUIGI10000, and edited by Yogipanda123
Give a thumbs up if this helped! yogipanda123 120 — 10y
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Answered by 10 years ago

StarterGui is where you put GUIS that will show up in your game. Some scripts could even go there. PlayerGui. Hmm.. Well, everytime a player joins a game, they get a PlayerGui. That's basically what

StarterGUIS go into when a player joins

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