while true do wait(10) Chance = math.random(1,10000) if Chance == 382 then print("Yami Fruit Ganae") Gomu = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild"Gomu Gomu":clone() Gomu.Parent = Workspace Gomu.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance == 4829 then print("Gomu Fruit Ganae") Bari = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild"Bari Bari":clone() Bari.Parent = Workspace Bari.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance == 3004 then print("Magu Fruit Ganae") Hana = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild"Hana Hana":clone() Hana.Parent = Workspace Hana.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance ~= 382 and Chance ~= 4829 and Chance ~= 3004 then print("Nope") wait(10) end end
while true do wait(10) Chance = math.random(1,10000) if Chance == 382 then print("Yami Fruit Ganae") local Gomu = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild("Gomu Gomu"):clone() Gomu.Parent = workspace Gomu.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance == 4829 then print("Gomu Fruit Ganae") local Bari = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild("Bari Bari"):clone() Bari.Parent = workspace Bari.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance == 3004 then print("Magu Fruit Ganae") local Hana = game.Lighting.DevilFruitModels:FindFirstChild("Hana Hana"):clone() Hana.Parent = workspace Hana.Base.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame wait() script.Parent:remove() elseif Chance ~= 382 and Chance ~= 4829 and Chance ~= 3004 then print("Nope") wait(10) end end
Put parentheses around the strings
when you are using :FindFirstChild()