If at all possible, is there a way to get the total length of an audio file? I have seen some new implementations to the roblox sound system consisting of a TimeLength and TimePosition. I still have no clue if these are working, as the TimeLength doesn't change based on audio id. So to finish, is there anyway besides stating the time in a script, to get the length of the file?
No, it is not possible unless you have the original audio file.
ROBLOX is still working on updates for the sound system.
Use the property .TimeLength of a Sound. It should be used like this:
soundlength = workspace.Sound.TimeLength soundlengthinminutes = soundlength/60 print("This is the audio file's length in seconds: "soundlength) print("This is the audio file's length in minutes: "soundlengthinminutes")
.TimeLength is the length of the audio file in seconds, NOT the length of the actual audio.