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What do I need to know to properly understand this? ( Terrain Generation )

Asked by
bloxxyz 274 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I know a good amount of Lua, however some of the syntax and maths I do not seem to understand in this wiki article. I've tested the script and it works as described, however I want to make custom terrain myself and I do not understand it. I've tried messing around with it a bit but this confuses me. Any recommendations on wiki articles I can view to help me use this to the extent of helping me learn?

This is what I have trouble understanding, by the way:

Hope this isn't too much to ask, I'm not asking you to narrow down the whole article, just some pages or advice that can help me learn this better. Cheers! :)

If you want to avoid all that math which still wont get you exactly what you want, I suggest 3d modeling it, then importing it with a OBJ importing script. It's a easy way of avoiding that whole mess. Orlando777 315 — 9y

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

The concept of "terrain" in programming usually means generating some sort of "height map".

That is a map that takes a position along the horizontal plane (x, z) and turns it into a height.

There are some useful observations about the sorts of height maps you want when generating realistic terrain:

  • They are more or less smooth, meaning they aren't jagged
  • They are almost always continuous, meaning even when there are peaks / ridges, there isn't a vertical cliff
  • They are more or less irregular -- there isn't some visible repeating pattern

So the goal can usually be stated as, *make a function h(x, z) that gives me a height for a part positioned at, __, z).

Since we want it to be wavy, we could take advantage of sine and cosine;

Simple Smooth Functions

function h1(x, z)
    x = x / 20 -- Sine and Cosine want relatively close
    -- numbers; x and z in studs will make it way too noisy
    z = z / 20
    return (math.sin(x) + math.sin(z)) * 20 -- -40 to 40 studs

You'll get a wavy pattern if you use something like that.

Here's a different one:

function h2(x, z)
    x, z = x / 20, z / 20
    return math.sin(x) * math.cos(z) * 20 -- -40 to 40 studs

Interestingly, you can also add these two functions to get something that has a bit of both features:

function h3(x, z)
    return (h1(x, z) + h2(x, z) ) /2

Fractal Noise

With this in mind, there is the concept of fractal noise which is similar to Perlin noise.

We use a simple noise function over and over but at different scales, e.g.,

function h(x, z)
    local weight = 0
    local sum = 0
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local w = math.exp(-i / 5)
        local f = h3(x * i, z * i);
        sum = sum + f * w
        weight = weight + w
    return sum / weight

Node Based Smooth Noise

Another basic approach would be to place "nodes" which control the terrain -- "higher" nodes make mountains, lower ones valleys.

When you put enough mixed together, then you get a messy but smoothish result -- which is ideal for nice terrain.

Here is an inefficient, but simple algorithm. It consists of generating random points; the height function is then a weighted average of all of the values of the random points, where the weight of each decreases when you get further from it.

local points = {}; while #points < 100 do table.insert(points, {x = math.random() * 100, y = math.random() * 100; v = math.random()}) end -- Only will works nicely for points in the box [0, 100] x [0, 100] function h(x, z) local query =, 0, z); local totalWeight = 0; local total = 0; for _, point in pairs(points) do local position =, 0, point.y); local distance = position - query.magnitude; local weight = math.exp(-distance^2 / 1000.0); totalWeight = totalWeight + weight total = total + weight * point.v end return total / totalWeight end

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