When I clone a model and change its position to a part's, the pivot point is at the part but not the model, how do i fix?
Here is my script:
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local enemiesFolder = RS.Enemies local enemySpawn = workspace.EnemySpawns:GetChildren() local moveToParts = workspace.MoveToParts:GetChildren() local randomSpawn = enemySpawn[math.random(1, #enemySpawn)] local randomMoveToPart = moveToParts[math.random(1, #moveToParts)] local function Round1() local Round1Enemy = enemiesFolder.Enemy1:Clone() Round1Enemy.Parent = workspace.Enemies Round1Enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position = randomSpawn.Position Round1Enemy.Humanoid:MoveTo(randomMoveToPart.Position) end while wait(5) do Round1() end
Thanks for the help! -KoalaKrush
I ensured the model is unanchored and welded With the exception of HumanoidRootPart HumanoidRootPart can remain anchored I needed to use Model:PivotTo()