This is a teleport script, but for some reason I am getting a "Attempt to index nil with name Line 5" and I don't know why. Any help is really appreciated!
local Pad = game.Workspace.SecuritySystem.Pad2 script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) local Name = Player.Name if Player then local CurrentlyTeleporting = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("CurrentlyTeleporting") if not CurrentlyTeleporting then return end if not CurrentlyTeleporting.Value then CurrentlyTeleporting.Value = true Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Pad.CFrame +,5,0) print(Name,"tried to rob the bank while cooldown was active.") wait(3) CurrentlyTeleporting.Value = false end end end)
You should get the Name after checking if it's a player.
local Pad = game.Workspace.SecuritySystem.Pad2 script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(Hit) local Player = game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent) if Player then -- get the name AFTER you check if it's a player local Name = Player.Name -- rest of your code end end)
This maybe the problem Player.Name
is usually not caps like this player.Name
Secondly I don't recommend having a local variable for player.Name.
Also if any of those didn't work try this
function hit(player)
Put this before player.Name Hope that helps!!