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How Do I Use Math.Random To Change A Parts Position?

Asked by 2 years ago

Hi so I am a starter scripter and im trying to figure out how can you change the position of a part using math.random so basically I have a spawn and I want the position to be randomized for where the players spawn.

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Answered by
pwx 1581 Moderation Voter
2 years ago

Well this all depends on how random you wish to have it.

Do you want it randomized on a set of coordinates? If so then you want:

1local randomCoordinates = {{5, 2, 5}, {0, 0, 0}, {242, 242, 2525}, {242,4242, 242}}
2-- update this table to your desired coordinates
4local Part ='Part')
5local randomCoordinate = randomCoordinates[math.random(1,#randomCoordinates])
6local X, Y, Z = randomCoordinate[1], randomCoordinate[2], randomCoordinate[3]
7Part.CFrame =, Y, Z)
8Part.Parent = workspace

Do you want it constantly random regardless of where it spawns?

1local Part ='Part')
2local X, Y, Z = math.random(1,math.huge), math.random(1,math.huge), math.random(1,math.huge)
3Part.CFrame =, Y, Z)
4Part.Parent = workspace
Tip: You can use math.randomseed() or to make it more accurately random. T3_MasterGamer 2189 — 2y
And also, math.random(1, math.huge) will return an error because math.huge is just a concept, not a real number. T3_MasterGamer 2189 — 2y
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Answered by 2 years ago

Maybe something like this would work??

1local Spawn = script.Parent--wherever this part is
2Spawn.CFrame.X = math.random

This may not work I wasn't able to test it out in studio also this is just a guess to get it to work. Hope this helps!!

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