So, recently i learned the basics of perlin noise and with the help of a youtube tutorial i managed to create a terrain generator. However, one issue with it is that it's not random, which is absolutely pointless.
Could anyone help me with this?
Script :
local X = 200 local Z = 200 local amplitude = 6 local resolution = 90 local frequency = 2 local Grid = {} local function GenerateWater() local water = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Water"):Clone() water.Parent = workspace water.Anchored = true water.Mesh.Scale =, 250, 100000) water.Position =, -335, 0) water.CanCollide = false water.Transparency = 0.5 water.Material = Enum.Material.Water water.BrickColor ="Electric blue") end for x = 1, X do Grid[x] = {} for z = 1, Z do Grid[x][z] = math.noise(x / resolution * frequency, z / resolution * frequency) * 125 end end for x = 1, X do for z = 1, Z do local YPos = Grid[x][z] local block = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Block"):Clone() block.Anchored = true if YPos < - 36 then block.Material = Enum.Material.Sand block.BrickColor ="Cool yellow") elseif YPos > 58 then block.Material = Enum.Material.Cobblestone block.BrickColor ="Grey") else block.Material = Enum.Material.Grass block.BrickColor ="Bright green") end block.Position = * (block.Size.X - 74), (Grid[x][z] - 2) * amplitude, z * (block.Size.Z - 74)) block.Parent = workspace end end GenerateWater()