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Game lags bad if all players are hiding when monster is released?

Asked by 2 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

I'm working on a little game where every 60 seconds there's a chance a monster will wake up and teleport to players, instakilling them. The player can avoid this by getting into a locker before he kills them. The problem is, whenever every player is hiding, the loop I use to get all the players executes too many times and lags. Is there a way to fix this?

Below is the code for the monster.

01local Players = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
02local seeker = script.Parent
03local pickedPlayer
05    if game.Workspace.Active.Value == true then
06        wait(10)
07    while game.Workspace.Active.Value == true do
08            for _, player2 in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
09        if player2.Character.Hiding.Value ~= true then
10                seeker.Torso.CFrame = player2.Character.Torso.CFrame
11                wait(2)
12                if player2.Character.Hiding.Value ~= true then
13                    player2.Character.Humanoid.Health -= 100000000000
14                end
15        end
16        end
17        end
18        end
What exactly do you mean with lag? every wait() causes the whole script to do nothing in that time. For ececuting too many times: If you dont set the acitve value to false again it is going to continue forever as you have a while loop. xXMadonXx 190 — 2y
wow there is a lot of spelling mistakes in my comment xD xXMadonXx 190 — 2y
The scripts exhausts its allowed execution time. I cant immediately disabled active as that's the value keeping the monster active. Uniplier 83 — 2y
did you just... "player2.Character.Humanoid.Health -= 100000000000" A_Mp5 222 — 2y

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