I'm trying to make a Class Selector, using this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t64gExqgPbM
However, I've run into some errors that I do not know how to fix.
GameSerivce is not a valid member of DataModel "Game" - Server - Class_Giver:1
GameSerivce is not a valid member of DataModel "2022 V2 @ 10 Jan 2023 08:59" - Client - ButtonHandler:3
local Background = script.Parent
local rp = game:GameSerivce("ReplicatedStorage") local Class = rp:WaitForChild("Class")
for _, button in pairs(Background:GetChildren()) do if button:IsA("ImageButton") then button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Background.Visibile = false
Class:FireServer(button.Name) end) end
local rp = game:GameSerivce("ReplicatedStorage") local Class = rp:WaitForChild("Class")
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage") local Classes = SS:WaitForChild("Classes")
Class.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player,className) local Backpack = Player.Backpack
local selection = Classes:FindFirstChild(className) if selection then local moveset = Classes:FindFirstChild(className) :Clone() moveset.Parent = Backpack end
How would I go about fixing this? When I load in, the buttons are clickable, but nothing goes into the player backpack, and the GUI stays visible, even after choosing a class.
Thanks in advance!
you spelled visible as "Visibile". If it is spelled that way in your code then it won't work and on the line that says
local moveset = Classes:FindFirstChild(className) :Clone()
dont put a space between FindFirstCHild(className) and :Clone. Write it like this.
local moveset = Classes:FindFirstChild(className):Clone()
You wrote GameSerivce
instead of GetService
in ButtonHandler
and Class_giver
for the rp
variable. Generally, it seems as if you misspelled some things in this script, which will give you errors even if you fix this mistake.