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How do I fix Attempt to index nil with 'GetChildren'?

Asked by 2 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

Ive tried to put the Mobs folder inside of workspace, it will work but it totally ruins the game. I even set the Primary parts to what it is supposed to be set to but it doesn't work. The Mobs folder is inside ServerStorage.

OUTPUT: Workspace.Tower.Towertesting:7: attempt to index nil with 'GetChildren' - Server - Towertesting:7 16:14:50.033 Stack Begin - Studio 16:14:50.033 Script 'Workspace.Tower.Towertesting', Line 7 - function FindNearestTarget - Studio - Towertesting:7 16:14:50.033 Script 'Workspace.Tower.Towertesting', Line 22 - Studio - Towertesting:22 16:14:50.033 Stack End - Studio

local Tower = script.Parent
local Mobs = workspace.PrimaryPart
local function FindNearestTarget()
    local maxDistance = 15
    local nearestTarget = nil

    for i, target in ipairs(Mobs:GetChildren())do
        local distance = (target.PrimaryPart.Position - Tower.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude

        print (target.Name, distance)
        if distance < maxDistance then
            print(target.Name, "Nearest target found")
            nearestTarget = target
            maxDistance = distance

    return nearestTarget

while true do
    local target = FindNearestTarget()
    if target then

its you!!! from facility lockdown Puppynniko 1059 — 2y
I REMEMBER YOU Cheesyple 0 — 1y

2 answers

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Answered by 2 years ago

I suggest you to change the mobs' humanoids names by another thing like "HumanoidMonster" then in the loop, instead of doing GetChilder(), do workspace:GetDescendants() and the ask if the target have a humanoidmonster then your line of code

It shoould sounds like this

    local Tower = script.Parent
    local Mobs = workspace.PrimaryPart
    local function FindNearestTarget()
        local maxDistance = 15
        local nearestTarget = nil
        for i, target in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
        if target:IsA("Humanoid") and target.Name == "HumanoidMonster" then
            local distance = (target.Parent.PrimaryPart.Position - Tower.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude
            print (target.Parent.Name, distance)
            if distance < maxDistance then
                print(target.Parent.Name, "Nearest target found")
                nearestTarget = target.Parent
                maxDistance = distance
        return nearestTarget
-- some parts of the scripts have been modificated. Copiable
It worked with no errors, but then the damage part of the script wont work. Cheesyple 0 — 2y
And yes, I did add the damage script at the end. Cheesyple 0 — 2y
Guys you missing the answer Puppynniko 1059 — 2y
You can’t add workspace.PrimaryPart even if it’s a part in the workspace I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t work Puppynniko 1059 — 2y
I also dont recommend this solution as it’s very laggy on big maps or maps with a lot of parts Puppynniko 1059 — 2y
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Answered by 2 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

I actually use this strategy for my basic NPCs, so I'm an expert at this.

First of all, the workspace doesn't have a primary part value, if so then probably not intended. I would use workspace.Mobs directly instead of referencing it through that value.

Plus, on top of this, I would recommend directly getting the humanoid and the root part, and returning them, not even the target itself.

Plus, you forgot some checks! I know this is completely unnecessary due to the fact that the folder (or is it a folder??) is meant for the mobs, but it's just in case.

I didn't read through this thoroughly so sorry if I misunderstand some stuff.

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