There's this VR system on roblox called NexusVR, and it's technically r15, HOWEVER it cannot play animations and when it does the character gets rotated. Is there a way to disable animations completely (even the custom ones that can be played with IDs) without removing humanoid's Animator (since it can break some stuff)?
I'm not to sure if this would fix the problem, but I would try doing this. SERVER SCRIPT
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- This function fires when a player is added to the game and the plr is the player that joined. plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) -- this function fires when the character is added to the game. character is the character that is being added. local animator = character.Animate -- This line goes into the character and gets the Animate local script, which has all the animations inside of it. for i, v in pairs(animator:GetDescendants()) do --This line will loop through everything within the animator, meaning it will also loop through the children of the children in the animator. if v:IsA("Animation") then -- This checks if v (which is the current object that the loop is on) is a Animation. v.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://1" -- I can never remember if the D is capital or not. If v is an animation, it will change the animationId to 1 so it wont play any animations, since 1 is deleted or does not exist. end -- end of our if statement end -- end of our loop end) -- end of our CharacterAdded function end) -- end of our PlayerAdded function.
hope this helps!