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attempt to index nil with 'aimSmooth'?

Asked by 1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

DISCLAIMER: Code of Xeradev on YT!

I´m currently working on an FPS with the help of the tutorials of the YT Channel Xeradev. When I added sounds, I got an error. "Players.LumpiMagDich.PlayerScripts.Framework - Client:112: attempt to index nil with 'aimSmooth'". The lines I wrote, edited have nothing to do with the line the error gives me, wich I made days ago, and never had problems with. checked if i did something wrong, but there is nothing I found.already red it means that it is indefinined, but i dont know where my problem is.

if isAiming and framework.viewmodel ~=nil and framework.module.canAim then
        local offset = framework.viewmodel.AimPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(framework.viewmodel.PrimaryPart.CFrame)
        aimCF = aimCF:Lerp(offset, framework.module.aimSmooth)
        currentSwayAMT = aimSwayAMT
        local offset =
        aimCF = aimCF:Lerp(offset, framework.module.aimSmooth) <- this is the error line
        currentSwayAMT = swayAMT

how do i fix it? all i red under the video was to change from r6 to r15, which i did to my character, but i really dont know what to do. If the problem is rlly dum, i'm sorry, started with Lua only a week ago, so i need everything to help me. thanks the code I recently added:

if viewmodelFolder:FindFirstChild(Item) then
            framework.viewmodel = viewmodelFolder:FindFirstChild(Item):Clone()
            framework.viewmodel.Parent = camera

            fireAnim ="Animation")
            fireAnim.Parent = framework.viewmodel
            fireAnim.Name = "Fire"
            fireAnim.AnimationId = framework.module.fireAnim
            fireAnim = framework.viewmodel.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(fireAnim)

            fireSound ="Sound")
            fireSound.Parent = character.UpperTorso
            fireSound.Name = "Fire"
            fireSound.SoundId = framework.module.fireSound.SoundId

and also

if input.UserInputType  == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
        if character and framework.viewmodel and framework.module then


if that is important

1 answer

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Answered by 1 year ago

It looks like there is a syntax error on the indicated line. The Lerp method should be called on a CFrame object, but it appears that aimCF is not defined as a CFrame object.

You can fix this error by making sure that aimCF is defined as a CFrame object before calling the Lerp method on it. For example, you could initialize aimCF to the identity CFrame at the beginning of your code using the following line of code:

local aimCF =

Alternatively, you could define aimCF as a CFrame object using the CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ method, which creates a CFrame from the specified Euler angles. For example:

local aimCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0)

Once you have defined aimCF as a CFrame object, you should be able to call the Lerp method on it without any issues.


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