I am working on a guns script and currently attempting to make it when the bullet has reached a certain distance away from its spawn point it looses a set amount of damage here Is the whole Bullet part of the script thanks for your help :D
local function CreateBullet(mouseLookVector) local NewBullet = Bullet:Clone() local ShootAnim = myHuman:LoadAnimation(AnimationFolder:WaitForChild("Shoot")) NewBullet.CFrame = BulletPoint.CFrame local direction local OriginalDamage = GunInfo.Damage NewBullet.Configs.Damage.Value = GunInfo.Damage NewBullet.Configs.Headshot.Value = GunInfo.Headshot NewBullet.Configs.HeadshotMultiplier.Value = GunInfo.HeadshotMultiplier NewBullet.Configs.BulletDamageFallOff.Value = GunInfo.DamageFallOff NewBullet.Configs.BulletDamageFallOffDistance.Value = GunInfo.DamageFallOffDistance NewBullet.BulletVelocity.Velocity = direction * GunInfo.BulletSpeed NewBullet.Parent = workspace["Bullets and Casings"] ShootAnim:Play() BulletPoint:WaitForChild("Shoot"):Play() wait(GunInfo.FallOffTime) if NewBullet then if NewBullet:FindFirstChild("BulletVelocity") then NewBullet.BulletVelocity:Destroy() end end if NewBullet then NewBullet.Velocity = mouseLookVector * GunInfo.BulletSpeed local lastPos = BulletPoint.Position while wait(0.001) do print((NewBullet.Position - lastPos).Magnitude) if NewBullet.Position >= GunInfo.DamageFallOffDistance then GunInfo.Damage = GunInfo.DamageFallOff wait(0.6) GunInfo.Damage = OriginalDamage end end end end