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Learning to script?

Asked by
Irvene 5
9 years ago

Where do I go if I want to learn everything there is to know about scripting!!

ROBLOX Wiki, youtube, roblox models, there are more, but these are great startring places. NinjoOnline 1146 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by
Shawnyg 4330 Trusted Badge of Merit Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

Well, you can go to YouTube where many programmers are making tutorials. Currently, ROBLOX is participating in some sort of one hour of coding. You can check out their YouTube channel and catch up on some of their videos. Last fall, ROBLOX had a University program that offered various scripting tutorials, so I'm sure you'll be pleased with that. The ROBLOX Wiki is also a great source. The #1 source to all things ROBLOX. Includes all terms, definitions, and on most, explanations. You can start out with their Beginner to Scripting Guide. This site also serves the purpose of helping others. You don't necessarily need a script for us to debug. If you have a question that doesn't require us to make a script more than 5 lines, you will most likely get an answer. Hope this all helped.

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Answered by
Exsius 162
9 years ago

I'd recommend getting used to softwares like scratch where you connect blocks to create a simple program.

Once you can create some advance stuff you can go to roblox and use roblox wiki as a source for information etc. It wont be as hard since you understand basic programming and how to use loops, variables etc.

Hope this helped :)

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