I am trying to make a custom inventory system however when a tool gets deleted, the last tool in the toolbar will be deleted. For example, if I have tool 1 being a block, tool 2 a stick and tool 3 a shovel. When tool 1 is deleted, tool 3 will actually be deleted and 1 and 2 will stay, when it should be 2 and 3. I have tried adding prints throughout the code to see what the code is checking, the prints state that the if statement should be working, but its constantly saying its false [Not equal to.]
This is all ran on the client in a local script
The part off the code I am facing this issue with:
backpack.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child) if child.Parent ~= char then for i,v in pairs(tools) do print(v, child.Name) if v == child.Name then print("Yes") table.remove(tools, i) print(tools) break end end updateHotbar() end end)
For the tool examples [Block, Stick and shovel] the output would print: - Block Block - Stick Block - Shovel Block It is not printing Yes or the tools table at all, making me believe that is the problem yet I cant figure out why.
The full code:
game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = plr.Character local backpack = plr:WaitForChild("Backpack") local tools = backpack:GetChildren() local slotMax = 10 local hotbar = script.Parent local numToWord = { [1] = "One", [2] = "Two", [3] = "Three", [4] = "Four", [5] = "Five", [6] = "Six", [7] = "Seven", [8] = "Eight", [9] = "Nine", [10] = "Zero" } local function updateHotbar() for i, child in pairs(hotbar:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == "Tool" then child:Destroy() end end for i, tool in pairs(tools) do if i > slotMax then return end local slotClone = script.Tool:Clone() slotClone.TextLabel.Text = i slotClone.TextButton.Text = tool.Name if tool:FindFirstChild("Gui") then tool.Gui.Value = slotClone end slotClone.Parent = hotbar if tool.Parent == char then slotClone.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed) if not processed then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[numToWord[i]] then local Result = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.EquiptTool:InvokeServer(tool, tool.Parent) for x, slot in pairs(hotbar:GetChildren()) do if slot:IsA("Frame") then local tool = tools[tonumber(slot.TextLabel.Text)] if tool.Parent ~= char then slot.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(159, 159, 159) else slot.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end end end end end end) end end task.wait(0.5) updateHotbar() backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if not table.find(tools, child) then table.insert(tools, child) updateHotbar() end end) backpack.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child) if child.Parent ~= char then for i,v in pairs(tools) do print(v, child.Name) if v == child.Name then print("Yes") table.remove(tools, i) print(tools) break end end updateHotbar() end end) char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if child:IsA("Tool") and not table.find(tools, child) then table.insert(tools, child) updateHotbar() end end) char.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child) if child.Parent ~= backpack then table.remove(tools, tools[child]) updateHotbar() end end)
if v == child.Name then print("Yes") table.remove(tools, i) print(tools) break end
will never equal child.Name
because v
is an Instance
(You are getting the objects from the backpack, and not getting their name) and Instance.Name
returns a string
--Try this! if v.Name == child.Name then print("Yes") table.remove(tools, i) print(tools) break end
Edit: I would recommend placing a check for if the tool is parented to the character, as it is when equipped