I'm trying to make a wheel where it spins and then right after it's done spinning the script checks the Parts Rotation and if it's between 10-20 it removes that part.
if script.Parent.Rotation == Vector3.new(0, (10-20), 0) then script.Parent:Remove() end
Hi! You made a small mistake. Where it states in your Vector value, (10-20). The script looks at that as a Math problem sort of. The computer is reading it as this:
if script.Parent.Rotation == Vector3.new(0, -10, 0) then script.Parent:remove() end
To make it "between" two numbers in a simple way you would use the Greater Than(>) or Less Than(<) Operators. Your script SHOULD look like this:
if script.Parent.Rotation.Y>=10 and script.Parent.Rotation.Y<=20 then script.Parent:Remove() end