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How to copy your own game? Roblox Studio

Asked by
Gigaset39 111
1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

Hi, i created a game, but i want to make a copy of it, so i can have the same game,but whit little changes, what i need to do? also,if i have a copy of my own game,i i can get in trouble because of it?

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Answered by 1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

To copy your Roblox game there are 2 ways. 1. go to file in Roblox Studio it is in the left hand corner then choose save to files save as----- 2. Go to file again and choose publish to Roblox as ---- When you do it this way you would have to choose a game you made to overwrite it.

--Also you can't get in trouble, because it is just a copy of YOUR OWN game.

Thanks, but i choosed the 3rd way: 1.Go to File , 2. click DOWNLOAD A COPY, 3. open that folder that you saved, 4. Save the game. Gigaset39 111 — 1y

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