For a bit more detail, everything is enabled in this game. This effects both in and out of studio. I've tried the common form of saving leaderstats. This is the script I am using for my leaderstats:
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("LeaderStore") nc0 = "Z-Bucks" nc1 = "Waves" sc0 = 0 sc1 = 0 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) wait(0.1) local savedLevel = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId) local coins = player.leaderstats["Z-Bucks"] local coins1 = player.leaderstats.Waves if savedLevel then coins.Value = savedLevel[1] coins1.Value = savedLevel[2] else coins.Value = sc0 coins1.Value = sc1 ds:SetAsync(player.UserId,{coins.Value, coins1.Value}) end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) local stats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if not stats then return end local vals = {stats:FindFirstChild(nc0),stats:FindFirstChild(nc1)} if vals and vals[1] and vals[2] then ds:SetAsync(player.UserId,{vals[1].Value, vals[2].Value}) end end)
If you could provide a script that works that will be appreciated!
Never mind, I found a script that saves it. Here is the script if anyone needs it:
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlayerStats")
local leaderstats ="Folder") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = p local Cash ="IntValue") Cash.Name = "Z-Bucks" Cash.Parent = leaderstats local Survived ="IntValue") Survived.Name = "Waves" Survived.Parent = leaderstats wait(2) local key = "id_"..p.UserId local Cashs = p.leaderstats.Waves local Surviveds = p.leaderstats["Z-Bucks"] local Cooldowns = p.Cooldown local SoundIDs = p.IdOfSound local soundPlayss = p.soundPlays local FPSs = p.showFPS local Saved = DataStore:GetAsync(key) if Saved then Cash.Value = Saved[1] Survived.Value = Saved[2] else local SaveNum = {Surviveds.Value, Cashs.Value, Cooldowns.Value, SoundIDs.Value, soundPlayss.Value, FPSs.Value} DataStore:GetAsync(key, SaveNum) end
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(p) DataStore:SetAsync("id_"..p.UserId, {p.leaderstats.Waves.Value, p.leaderstats["Z-Bucks"].Value}) end)
You can add more values in case you needed more to be saved.