local part = script.Parent newpart = part:Clone() newpart.Parent = workspace.Parent
You never defined where you want the part to spawn. Also, you can use Instance.new if you just want to spawn a single part and you tried to set its parent to the game, which to my knowledge will make it not spawn, although I could be wrong, set it to workspace, or if you have another folder then just set it to there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivqeeFwcixg - an instance.new tutorial on youtube
local part = script.Parent newpart = part:Clone() newpart.Parent = game.Workspace newpart.Position = Vector3.new("0,0,0") -- set the position you want it to be set to.
if you want to use Instance.new then although I suggest watching a tutorial here's a script to do so
local part = script.Parent newpart = Instance.new("Part") newpart.Parent = game.Workspace newpart.Poisiton = Vector3.new("0,0,0") -- set to the position you want it to be set to in vector3
Tell me if that works!
The issue is you are setting the new part's parent to workspace.Parent, which is game. In order for your part to exist in the world you want the part to be a descendant of workspace. In order to fix this you can just set the parent of the new part to workspace.
newpart.Parent = workspace