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Humanoid:MoveTo isn't following player?

Asked by 1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

enemy = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent -- Enemy hum = enemy.Humanoid -- Enemy Humanoid local function HealthFunc() script.Parent.Size =, hum.Health * 150/hum.MaxHealth, 0, 50) -- Scale Gui for the Bar script.Parent.Stat.Text = tostring(hum.Health).."/"..hum.MaxHealth -- Change the Text if hum.Health <= 0 then enemy:Destroy() -- Destroy Enemy if Health is 0 or less (If it's Dead) end if enemy.OV.Value ~= nil then hum:MoveTo(enemy.OV.Value.HumanoidRootPart.Position) hum.MoveToFinished:Wait() print(enemy.OV.Value.HumanoidRootPart.Position) end end HealthFunc() -- Reset GUI when Enemy Spawned hum.HealthChanged:Connect(HealthFunc) -- Trigger Function when Health of Enemy is Changed

The script tries to follow the player based on an object value.

if humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("OV") == nil then
        local objVal ="ObjectValue")
        objVal.Name = "OV"
        objVal.Parent = humanoid.Parent
        objVal.Value = Player.Character
        humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("OV").Value = Player.Character

The object value is placed like this in the sword script and the enemy takes the position from the value of the object value.

No errors, it just doesn't work.

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Answered by 1 year ago

Fixed the problem, had to unanchor the dummy


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