The command runs is able to be called in game but leads to the nil error.
server.Commands.SetAge = { Prefix = server.Settings.Prefix; Commands = {"setage","SetAge"}; Args = {"player","value"}; Description = "Set player Rank Value (1-100)"; AdminLevel = "Owners"; Function = function(plr,args) if not args[1] and args[2] then error("Argument missing or nil") end if not tonumber(args[2]) then error("Argument 2 is not a valid number") end local folders = service.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(".stats") for i,v in pairs(service.GetPlayers(plr,args[1])) do local playerFolder = folders:FindFirstChild(v.Name) if playerFolder then local Data = playerFolder:FindFirstChild('Age') if Data then Data.Value = tonumber(args[2]) v:LoadCharacter() server.Functions.Hint("Set "..tostring(v).." age to "..tostring(args[2]),{plr}) else error("No weapon data value found") end else error("Could not find data for "..tostring(v)) end end end }