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Is it possible to convert a model image found in library into a imagelabel?

Asked by
Bman8765 270 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

The title basically says it all, is it possible? I need to do this for a script I have but the script is pointless in this question so I wont add it. This also is not a request this is a question!!! Basically, how do I turn the image of an item found when browsing the roblox library (in develop) into something a imagelabel can display (if it all possible). If not possible, please explain other ways of doing this!

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Here is a Wiki Article documenting what you need.

The /Asset.ashx one is the one that you want for this particular case.

The thing you want a picture of:

Here is a thumbnail for it:

Note the ID in common.

Only some Width and Height combinations will work.

Thanks so much! You might have helped me prevent gray hairs until I'm 50! Bman8765 270 — 10y

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