Hello! Im making a joke version of a sans move from undertale, which he summons bones that damages the player, the way Im doing It Is that when the player clicks with the tool equip, It summons a bone facing where the player (Septically where the torso of the player) that moves, dealing 10 damage. It works (Kinda) but as the title says, the bone always moves In the same direction, and not where the player Is facing, though It does point towards, also the debounce for some reason won't end
Note: The tool has no handle No errors appear In output
local tool = script.Parent local FunnySounds = tool["Random Phases for chatting lol"] local ToolEquip = false local Debounce = false --[[ Im adding these soon local EpicChat = { "[Insert pretty cringey sans text here lol]", "TIMMY GET OUT THE COMPUTER", "Hello? Is this amongus... Imposter, Is dis the Imposter from amongus" } ]] tool.Equipped:Connect(function() ToolEquip = true while ToolEquip do wait(3) local RandomChitChat = math.random(1,3) if RandomChitChat == 1 then FunnySounds["TIMMY GET OUT OF THE COMPUTER"]:Play() end if RandomChitChat == 2 then FunnySounds["Maybe thats the way your dress"]:Play() end if RandomChitChat == 3 then FunnySounds["Is dis amongus?"]:Play() end end end) tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() ToolEquip = false end) tool.Activated:Connect(function() if Debounce == false then Debounce = true local Bone = Instance.new("Part") local BoneDecal1 = Instance.new("Decal") local BoneDecal2 = Instance.new("Decal") Bone.Parent = game.Workspace BoneDecal1.Parent = Bone BoneDecal2.Parent = Bone BoneDecal1.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6463782127" BoneDecal2.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back BoneDecal2.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6463782127" Bone.Size = Vector3.new(4, 5.843, 0.001) Bone.Position = tool.Parent.Torso.Position Bone.Orientation = tool.Parent.Torso.Orientation Bone.Transparency = 1 Bone.Anchored = true Bone.CanCollide = false game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Bone,3) while Bone and wait(0.1) do Bone.CFrame = Bone.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,0,-10) end wait(3) Debounce = false end end)
hey you! have you ever heard of enes? if you are in trouble, better call enes!