I have been looking at the code for this tool, and trying to write the code into English but I ran into a stopping point. I don’t get how the code is entering a value into the table. Here is the code: the problem piece is ( Table[v.Name] = v:clone() ) CreateConfiguration = (function(Configurations, Table) --gets the table of the first parameter print(Table) for i, v in pairs(Configurations:GetChildren()) do print(Table) --finds if the values classname is a value if string.find(v.ClassName, "Value") then --if it make its name a clone of its value print(Table) Table[v.Name] = v:Clone() --if it isnt and it is either a folder or configuration class print(Table) elseif v:IsA("Folder") or v:IsA("Configuration") then --then make the values name become (also this is something I don’t understand) Table[v.Name] = Functions.CreateConfiguration(v, Table) end print(Table) end
return Table end),
please correct anything I interpreted incorrectly here is the print list from the function(first print is first print line): {} - Server - Functions:12 21:04:37.362 {} - Server - Functions:16 21:04:37.362 ? { ["Bullets"] = Bullets } - Server - Functions:19 21:04:37.363 ? { ["Bullets"] = Bullets } - Server - Functions:24
hey you! have you ever heard of enes? if you are in trouble, better call enes!