Okay so I have a script in a screen gui that basically manages 3 buttons. The leftarrow button, the rightarrow button, and the mainbutton. This script's main intentions is to allow players to select from a variety of hats. The problem is I want an image of the hat to appear when the user is on that current hat and I don't know how to get an image of the hat or model and have the imagelabel show it? The current code I have basically makes it so when you click the arrow textbutton it will change the info that shows up, nothing to complicated... the code is not really important though I just need to know how I convert the image found on catalog for an item into something an imagelabel will like!
The code (again not really needed for you to answer the question):
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hat Table, add and remove as pleased -------------------------------------------------------------------- hats = {"http://roblox.com/asset/?id=83284634", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=122210163"} hatinfo = {"Some hat", "hat 2"} hatimage = {"blah I need help", "right here"} -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------- leftarrow = script.Parent.ArrowLeft rightarrow = script.Parent.ArrowRight currenthat = script.Parent.CurrentHat page = 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Change Info Script -------------------------------------------------------------------- function changeinfo() currenthat.Text = hatinfo[page] print(page) end changeinfo() -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arrow Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ClickedLeft() if page >= #hats then page = 1 elseif page <= #hats then if page ~= 1 then page = page -1 elseif page == 1 then page = #hats end end changeinfo(page) end function ClickedRight() if page >= #hats then page = 1 elseif page <= #hats then page = page +1 end changeinfo(page) end leftarrow.MouseButton1Down:connect(ClickedLeft) rightarrow.MouseButton1Down:connect(ClickedRight)
ImageLabel.Image = 'http://www.roblox.com/Thumbs/Asset.ashx?format=png&assetId=' .. itemId