So the script is supposed to react to when a player gets a certain amount of a particular stat. However, the script doesn't perform anything at all. Output gave me nothing. Can someone please help me? Here's the script:
Player = script.Parent.Parent while not Player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") do wait(1) end --loop wait until leaderstats load while not Player.leaderstats:findFirstChild("Streak") do wait(1) end -- same for streak Player.leaderstats.Streak.Changed:connect(function(v) --creating this connection line assigns the function inside of it to fire every time Streak changes its value; instead of just the one time. if v == 15 then game.Workspace.Text.Value = ""..Player.Name" is going all out with a 15 Killstreak!" game.Workspace.YOLO:play() wait(10) game.Workspace.Text.Value = "" end end)
You forgot to concatenate the string after Player.Name