I have a achievement gui where players will be notify when they gained a Level, How can i continue this event Level = 1 / I tried adding Level = 1,2,3,4,6 until max level but lol i'm dumb. See the code for more details
wait(1) print("Script Running") script.Disabled = false --]] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --[[ Settings --]] Level = 1 ---What level do you want it to be? popup = true ---GUI popup. It visibles the Gui in the GainGui allowweapons = false ---Since this is a pilot or Soldier thingy, i suggest keeping this false weps = {"wep1", "wep2", "wep3"} ---If allowweapons is true, the names of these weapons will be givened to the player, can add more weplocation = "Lighting" ---Where is the weapons held at? leadtype = "Level" ---What name is your leveling system? -- -- -- --[[ ---- --- ---- --]] player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent function lolwut() if player.leaderstats[leadtype].Value == Level and popup == true then script.Parent.Parent.GainGui.Frame.Visible = true script.Parent.Sound:Play() else print("Not the specific level!") end end function fail() if allowweapons == true and player.leaderstats[leadtype].Value == Level then for i = 1, #weps do g = game[weplocation]:findFirstChild(weps[i]) g:clone().Parent = player.Backpack end end end wait(2) lolwut() fail()