local List = {1,50,9,6,4,91,125} local RequiredSurvivors = 3 local IterationsCompleted = 0 local IterationsRequired = 5 --print(#List) local function NewDescendant(i) local Ancestor = List[i] local Descendant = Ancestor + math.random(-5,5) print(Descendant) table.insert(List,Descendant) end local function genset(List) if not IterationsRequired == IterationsCompleted then print("Setting Up New Gen.") for i = 1,#List do NewDescendant(i) end RunGen() end end function RunGen() for i = 1,#List do wait(0.125) local NumToRemove = math.min(table.unpack(List)) print(NumToRemove) table.remove(List,table.find(List,NumToRemove)) if #List == RequiredSurvivors then print(List) RequiredSurvivors = RequiredSurvivors + 1 IterationsCompleted = IterationsCompleted + 1 print("Generation Completed.") genset(List) break end end end RunGen()
Im trying to make a number based evolution system but im having trouble with a if statement being skipped and i need assistance. The if statement is line 24 - 31
It's been a while but I'll try to explain this as well as I can.
-- lets make this slightly simpler. if not 1==1 then end -- this literally translates to if not true then --do stuff end
if not 1==2 then end -- this literally translates to if not false then end
Your if statement can never do anything because the conditions cannot be satisfied.
Instead, to check if a number is or isn't equal to something you should simply use the operators.
--is equal to if 1 == 1 then is equal to end if 1 ~= 1 then not equal to end