I'm writing this answer in response to your comment on aviel101's answer because that's a very valid question that warrants some deep-diving.
Brief Answer
aviel101 actually explained it quite well. Your call to MouseButton1Click:Wait()
is not being skipped. There are just several other things going on at the same time in the background. The culprit: asynchrony.
What is Asynchrony?
Asynchrony (or asynchronous programming) is the procedure of splitting the execution of your code up into tasks that (appear) to be running separately and at the same time as everything else in your program.
For example, every time you do the following...
- Create a new script instance in your game
- Use coroutines
- Make HTTP Requests (or use other Async methods)
- Use
- Use
- Connect event listeners
- ...etc
... you are directly coding asynchronously. If you notice a pattern with all of the listed items above -- it is that they are all responsible for splitting your code up into tasks or controlling the flow of your program in some way.
Disclaimer: There is a big difference between asynchrony and tasks that are literally running at the same time in parallel (also referred to as parallelism, not to be confused with concurrency). Going further into this topic is beyond the scope of this answer, but feel free to check out the links provided to learn more.
How Does This Relate?
This relates to your question because as listed above, events are a form of asynchrony. More specifically, whenever you create an event connection in your game (like MouseButton1Click
, for example), you are creating a new "task", aka the callback function you pass to :Connect()
. This callback function will now execute independantly from the rest of your code, it will not wait for anything (aside from the user's mouse click).
This is what you are experiencing as Wait()
being skipped, even though it's not. Here's a step-by-step break down of what's happening in your original code snippet, similar to what aviel101 was describing:
first mouse click:
- Fire all the
event listeners asynchronously
- This code from your click event task gets executed:
1 | textbutton.MouseButton 1 Click:Wait() |
- Wait inside this task until the user clicks again...
second mouse click:
is now triggered from your previous task, and you see the double click message
- However, your second click also results in the
event firing again, which runs the same code as before:
1 | textbutton.MouseButton 1 Click:Wait() |
- This task will now wait yet again for the next click event
third mouse click:
- Since the previous click ran the same code again, this click triggers
from the previous click...
This pattern will now continue indefinitely. You're in a situation where every mouse click will wait for the next mouse click, because MouseButton1Click:Wait()
does not stop the mouse click event from firing again.
Closing Statement
Hopefully this gives you a bit more insight as to what's going on in your code snippet. Async programming is a very broad and wide-range topic, but crucial to understand if you want to become a better programmer. Good knowledge of it will also save you a lot of headache in the long run!
Let me know if you have any questions.