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Debounce variables for each part? [PARTIALLY SOLVED] [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

EDIT: I just used BoolValues instead as it's simpler. However, if you know the answer to my question, I will happily accept it if it works so I can use it in the future.

Hi everyone. I am using the following script to handle events for multiple objects in a model:

for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
    if v:IsA("BasePart") then
            --Rest of my code.

I am wondering how I can have a debounce variable that is separate for each object, without inserting a bool value into each object or anything similar to that.

If I used a global debounce variable, I assume all the objects would stop functioning until the debounce variable is false again. But I'm not too sure about using a local debounce variable, as I think it would reset each time the player clicked the object.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Someone answer this, I want to know. Perci1 4988 — 10y
I posted this on ROBLOX forums, not many people know how to do this... So I guess we have to wait. Spongocardo 1991 — 10y

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1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

You can do this a few ways.

A local variable would work, strangely enough. What happens there is that the event function becomes a closure over the local debounce. It refers to the debounce in that scope (which is unique for each iteration of the loop).

Here's a simple example that we can check this out with:

funs = {} -- A list of 3 functions

for i = 1, 3 do
    local count = 0
    funs[i] = function()
        count = count + 1
        print("This is the ", count, "th time you called function", i)

--This is the  1 th time you called function 1

--This is the  1 th time you called function 2

--This is the  2 th time you called function 1

--This is the  2 th time you called function 2

--This is the  3 th time you called function 1

--This is the  1 th time you called function 3

--This is the  4 th time you called function 1

This behavior sort of makes sense. You have access to, for example, v inside of the function to determine which one it is, and it doesn't get affected by the fact that there are more v inside of the loop.

An irrelevant aside: JavaScript, a language similar to Lua, does not quite have this behavior -- it will reuse the scope between iterations of the loop and end up sharing a single variable in all of the functions you make

So, you could just make a local debounce within the loop and you'll be set. (Note that it needs to be local, not specifying local will make it global and be shared. And specifying it local inside the function will cause it to ignore the value it's closed over!)

Another option is to use a table. For this particular case, the other option probably makes more sense, but maybe this is more intuitive. We just store a different debounce value for each v:

local debounces = {}

for i,v in .... do
    debounces[v] = false
    .... = function()
        if not debounces[v] then
            debounces[v] = true
            debounces[v] = false

Though, this is clearly exploiting the fact that the function is closed over v. The case where that would not happen is if the object you had the debounce over was passed as a parameter. Sadly, no ROBLOX events do this (which is why, for example, the Chatted event is almost always connected to an anonymous function)

Very well thought out answer as always. Thank you very much! Spongocardo 1991 — 10y