I am trying to create a CFrame from a datastore. Sort of....
for key, value in pairs(playerFurnature) do local createdItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Furniture:WaitForChild(key):Clone() createdItem.Parent = furnatureModel createdItem.CFrame = CFrame.new(value) end
Using print, I figured out that "value" was a string. (I wrote the code a year ago)
Value also takes the form of: 1000.7243, 19.2989445, -22.6476097, -0.0254777968, 0.0993372351, 0.994727612, -2.32830644e-10, 0.995050609, -0.0993694887, -0.999675393, -0.0025317159, -0.0253516976
Whenever I run the code, I get an error that is something like Expected "Vector3", Got "String".
Found this on the Roblox Devforum after a quick search. use a function like
function stringtocf(str) return CFrame.new(table.unpack(str:gsub(" ",""):split(","))) end