I've been trying to figure out animations, and I figured out how to work them. I just can't figure out how to play them when you press a certain key. Help me please!
I claim no credit This question has already been answered here: https://scriptinghelpers.org/questions/12609/animation-with-keydown-no-tool Look at other questions before you ask the same one. Either way they did this:
local animation = Instance.new("Animation") animation.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset?id=187720963" local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local animTrack = nil Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key:lower() == "q" then local character = Player.Character animTrack = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(animation) animTrack:Play() end end)