Hey everyone I made a round based system and was planning to use it for my game however once it was tested nothing was happening.. I have a string value that should tell the text label when the round will begin and end, who won the round and if everyone has died. It worked once now it isn't. can anyone help?
local players = game:GetService("Players") local inMatch = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("InMatch") local status = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Status") local lobbyTeam = game.Teams.Lobby local orangeSpawns = workspace:WaitForChild("OrangeSpawns") local purpleSpawns = workspace:WaitForChild("PurpleSpawns") local roundLength = 150 local intermissionLength = 25 local ServerSword = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("LinkedSword") local swordClone = ServerSword:Clone() ------------------------------------ --Main Match Script-- ------------------------------------ inMatch.Changed:Connect(function() if inMatch.Value == true then for i,plrs in pairs(players:GetChildren()) do local hrps = {} local char = plrs.Character local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") table.insert(hrps, hrp) --hrp1 to 11-- hrps[1].CFrame = purpleSpawns.PurpleSpawn1.CFrame hrps[3].CFrame = purpleSpawns.PurpleSpawn2.CFrame hrps[5].CFrame = purpleSpawns.PurpleSpawn3.CFrame hrps[7].CFrame = purpleSpawns.PurpleSpawn4.CFrame hrps[9].CFrame = purpleSpawns.PurpleSpawn5.CFrame --A part is touched to make them orange team, vice versa hrps[2].CFrame = orangeSpawns.OrangeSpawn1.CFrame hrps[4].CFrame = orangeSpawns.OrangeSpawn2.CFrame hrps[6].CFrame = orangeSpawns.OrangeSpawn3.CFrame hrps[8].CFrame = orangeSpawns.OrangeSpawn4.CFrame hrps[10].CFrame = orangeSpawns.OrangeSpawn5.CFrame if plrs.Team == game.Teams.Purple or plrs.Team == game.Teams.Orange then swordClone.Parent = plrs.Backpack end if hum.Health <= 0 then plrs.Team = lobbyTeam end end end end) local function round() while true do local requiredPlayers = 2 local numOfPlrs = game.Players:GetChildren() repeat wait(1) status.Value = requiredPlayers.." players are needed to start a match.." until #numOfPlrs >= requiredPlayers inMatch.Value = false for i = intermissionLength, 0, -1 do status.Value = "Match will start in "..i.." seconds" wait(1) end inMatch.Value = true for i = roundLength, 0, -1 do status.Value = "Match will end in "..i.." seconds" local playing = {} for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if plr.Team.Name == "Orange" or plr.Team.Name == "Purple" then table.insert(playing, plr.Name) end end if #playing <= 0 then status.Value = "Everyone Has Died" wait(3) break end if #playing == 1 then status.Value = playing[1].." Has Won!" for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if playing[1] == plr.Name then plr.leaderstats.Wins.Value += 1 end end wait(3) break end wait(1) end wait(3) end end spawn(round)