how do i make this script deal damage to a player? what i have here is a dropkick script, i already added the leg tables and i dont know what to do next. basically what i want to achieve is to make a player deal damage when their legs touch an enemy. please help
--Made By 123Marooxd123 local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local character = script.Parent local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local DropAnim="Animation") DropAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://9642052968" local CanDropkick = false local Keybind = Enum.KeyCode.E local LeftLeg = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Leg"] local RightLeg = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"] local Table = {LeftLeg,RightLeg} local topspeed = 25 character.Humanoid.Running:Connect(function(speed) if speed > topspeed then CanDropkick = true else if speed < topspeed then CanDropkick = false end end end) humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("FloorMaterial"):Connect(function() if humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then CanDropkick = true else if humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Ground then CanDropkick = false end end end) UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input,gameprocessed) if gameprocessed then return end if not CanDropkick then return end if input.KeyCode == Keybind then CanDropkick = false local playAnim = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(DropAnim) playAnim:Play() local drop ="BodyVelocity") drop.MaxForce = (1,0,1) *30000 drop.Velocity = character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 85 drop.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart for count = 1, 8 do wait(0.13) drop.Velocity*= 0.5 end playAnim:Stop() drop:Destroy() CanDropkick = true end end)