I'm trying to make it that if you pet your pet dog, it will give you money and +2 of joy. There is also joy, where it decreases by 1 every second. But whenever I try to pet the dog, it gives the error.
Code for the services
local HungerDecrease = 1 local joydecrease = 1 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) local PetHunger = Instance.new("IntValue", Player) PetHunger.Name = "Hunger" PetHunger.Value = 100 Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() PetHunger.Value = 100 end) while wait(HungerDecrease) do PetHunger.Value -= HungerDecrease workspace.Doge.hunger.TextLabel.Text = "Hunger: "..PetHunger.Value if PetHunger.Value == 0 then Player:Kick("Doge starved") end end end) game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) local PetJoy = Instance.new("IntValue", Player) PetJoy.Name = "Hunger" PetJoy.Value = 100 Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() PetJoy.Value = 100 end) while wait(joydecrease) do PetJoy.Value -= joydecrease if PetJoy.Value == 100 then workspace.Doge.joy.TextLabel.Text = "Joy: Very Happy" end if PetJoy.Value == 75 then workspace.Doge.joy.TextLabel.Text = "Joy: Happy" end if PetJoy.Value == 50 then workspace.Doge.joy.TextLabel.Text = "Joy: Bored" end if PetJoy.Value == 25 then workspace.Doge.joy.TextLabel.Text = "Joy: Sad" end if PetJoy.Value == 0 then Player:Kick("Doge is depressed") end end end)
code for petting your pet
local Doge = script.Parent local PSS = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService") local bark = Doge.dogbark PSS.PromptTriggered:Connect(function(prompt, player) if prompt.Name == "Pet" then local PlayerCash = player.leaderstats.cash local PetJoy = player.PetJoy PlayerCash.Value = PlayerCash.Value + 1 PetJoy.Value = PetJoy.Value + 2 bark:Play() end end)