Im not sure how to save Instances with Data stores, It says on the wiki to create a function to turn it into a table, But how would I do that? I dont use Tables alot, and my game consists of over 50k+ bricks, So saving each brick's property and loading a new instance doesnt seem very efficient.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I created a quick module to do something like this, just for experimental purposes. This is how it came out, remember that you will need to modify this script to make it updated for improved usage. (Using JSON, etc.)
local Parts = {} function Parts:Create(Part) self[Part.Name] = {['BrickColor'] = Part.BrickColor, ['Name'] = Part.Name, ['Position'] = Part.Position, ['Anchored'] = Part.Anchored, ['CanCollide'] = Part.CanCollide, ['FormFactor'] = Part.FormFactor, ['Size'] = Part.Size} return self end return Parts