this is a button that sends the parameter (there's like 10 of it with different parameter):
btn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if db == false then db = true confirm.Visible = true wait() tween1:Play() tween2:Play() event:FireServer() guievent:FireServer(prodName, price) end end)
this is the event handler inside a script:
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, val, val2) guievent:FireClient(plr, val, val2) end)
this is a localscript:
rs.GuiEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(name, price) confirm.Visible = true btn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() rs.Editor:FireServer("SetHair", name) rs.Editor:FireServer("Buy", price) rs.SmallGui:FireServer(name) print(name, price) tween1:Play() tween2:Play() wait(.7) confirm.Visible = false end) end)
This thing works well on the first try, but if you try different button after the first one the parameter stacks and it will return the old and new value. I tried using a table so I can remove the old ones and add the new one but I can't make it work.