Hi there, I am trying to change the color of specific terms in a string. For example, I would want certain words a different color than the rest, basically syntax. However I am running into issues and the text is not changing colors. The TextBox has RichText enabled too.
Here is the script:
local Terms = { "if", "then", "do", "while", "end", "break", "and" } local Position while true do wait() Position = 1 local TermTable = {} for i, Term in next, Terms do table.insert(TermTable, Term) end for i, Term in next, TermTable do if(i == Position and script.Parent.Text:find(Term)) then local Str = script.Parent.Text local StartPosition = Str:find(Term) local EndPosition = StartPosition + (#Term - 1) local TargetString = Str:sub(StartPosition, EndPosition) local function FormatString(S, C) local R,G,B = C.R*255,C.G*255,C.B*255 return string.format("<font color=\"\rgb(%d, %d, %d)\"\>%s</font>",R, G, B, S) end local FormattedString = FormatString(TargetString, Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 0)) repeat wait() until FormattedString string.gsub(script.Parent.Text, TargetString, FormattedString) Position = Position + 1 end end end