I finished the script and it went great for my game. But when a player wins all it pops up is the player winning, but it doesn't have a design for it. Is there any way I can add a decal to the message for when a player win. This is a script:
local checkpoint1 = game.Workspace.Checkpoint1 local checkpoint2 = game.Workspace.Checkpoint2 local checkpoint3 = game.Workspace.Checkpoint3 local redLight = game.Workspace.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local yellowLight = game.Workspace.StartLight.YellowModel.LightBulb.PointLight local greenLight = game.Workspace.StartLight.GreenModel.LightBulb.PointLight local startBarrier = game.Workspace.StartBarrier local raceInProgress = false local lobbySpawn = game.Workspace.LobbySpawn local trackSpawn = game.Workspace.TrackSpawn local minimumPlayers = 2 function destroyCars() for _, object in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do print(object.Name) if object.Name == "RaceCar" then print("This is the RC. Destroy it!") object:Destroy() end end end function createCars() for _, object in pairs(game.ServerStorage:GetChildren()) do local carCopy = object:Clone() carCopy.Parent = game.Workspace carCopy:MakeJoints() end end function showVictoryMessage(playerName) local message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = playerName .. " has won!" message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(2) message:Destroy() end function checkpoint1hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 1") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint1 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end if checkpoint3:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and raceInProgress then print("Player wins!") raceInProgress = false showVictoryMessage(otherPart.Parent.Name) end end end function checkpoint2hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 2") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint2:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint2 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end end end function checkpoint3hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 3") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint3:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and checkpoint2:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint3 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end end end checkpoint1.Touched:connect(checkpoint1hit) checkpoint2.Touched:connect(checkpoint2hit) checkpoint3.Touched:connect(checkpoint3hit) function startLightCycle() redLight.Enabled = true wait(1) redLight.Enabled = false yellowLight.Enabled = true wait(1) yellowLight.Enabled = false greenLight.Enabled = true end function removeBarrier() startBarrier.Transparency = 1 startBarrier.CanCollide = false end function resetLights() redLight.Enabled = false yellowLight.Enabled = false greenLight.Enabled = false end function resetBarrier() startBarrier.Transparency = .5 startBarrier.CanCollide = true end function clearCheckpoint(checkpoint) for _, object in pairs(checkpoint:GetChildren()) do if object.Name ~= "TouchInterest" then object:Destroy() end end end function teleportPlayers(target) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do while player.Character == nil do wait() end local character = player.Character local torso = character:WaitForChild("Torso") torso.CFrame = target.CFrame end end wait(10) while true do -- wait for enough players before we start the game while game.Players.NumPlayers < minimumPlayers do wait() end -- setup racetrack -- turn off all lights resetLights() -- reset barrier resetBarrier() -- create all cars createCars() -- clear all checkpoints clearCheckpoint(checkpoint1) clearCheckpoint(checkpoint2) clearCheckpoint(checkpoint3) -- teleport all players to the racetrack teleportPlayers(trackSpawn) wait(5) -- start race -- start light cycle startLightCycle() -- remove barrier removeBarrier() raceInProgress = true -- wait for race to finish while raceInProgress == true do wait() end wait(2) -- delete all cars destroyCars() wait(2) -- teleport all players to the lobby teleportPlayers(lobbySpawn) wait(10) end
Sorry if I did not give a good explanation. :(
Judging from what your saying, you would probly need to use the ImageLabel, or the ImageButton, let me explain the two;
What ImageLabel
does is like a regular TextLabel
GUI, it's just there, and you can't interact [meaning Clicking, but you can drag if you have set the properties to do so] like you would for a TextButton
, or in this case, the ImageButton
What ImageButton
does is like the TextButton
GUI, where you can interact [meaning you can Click it, and connect it with a function using some-what like the MouseButton1Down event], here's an example of what I mean;
local TextButton = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextButton") TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if TextButton then print("Clicked! :D") end end)
And as you'll see, when you click the TextButton
, it will fire that event, and that's what the ImageButton
will simply do, but for it you can add a Decal! But sadly, you can't use Text for it. The property for the Image is ImageButton.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=num
, as you'll see in the Properties section of the GUI.
Hope this helped!
From a quick glace at your code, you are using a Message Instance(local message = Instance.new("Message")
) to display your message. As they don't support images in them, you would have to create a custom gui to show your message.
Now there are several ways to attempt what I am suggesting; either you could build the gui before hand, and make it not visible, OR you could build a new gui each time you wanted to view the message.
Solution One:
Possible gui layout:
StarterGui -ScreenGui -Frame -ImageLabel -TextLabel
showVictoryMessage function code:
function showVictoryMessage(playerName) player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(playerName) screengui = player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui screengui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = playerName .. "has won!" for e = 1,0,0.05 do screengui.Frame.Transparency = e wait(0) end wait(1.5) for e = 0,1,0.05 do screengui.Frame.Transparency = e wait(0) end end
Or we could go solution two:
Solution Two:
showVictoryMessage function code:
function showVictoryMessage(playerName) player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(playerName) createGui(player.PlayerGui) screengui = player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui screengui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = playerName .. "has won!" for e = 1,0,0.05 do screengui.Frame.Transparency = e wait(0) end wait(1.5) for e = 0,1,0.05 do screengui.Frame.Transparency = e wait(0) end end
createGui function code:
function createGui(playerGui) screengui = Instance.new("ScreenGui",playerGui) frame = Instance.new("Frame",screengui).Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0.1,0) imageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel",frame).Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,0) wait() imageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,imageLabel.AbsoluteSize.X)--kind of a trick to get x and y the same imageLabel.Image = "IMAGEURLHERE" textLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel",frame).Size = UDim2.new(0,frame.AbsoluteSize.X-imageLabel.AbsoluteSize.X,1,0) --Any Formatting to the TextLabel/Frame/ImageLabel would be done HERE end
P.S. createGui would be a function in your script that you have above.
I hope this helped you with your problem, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day, iLiminate | Troy