I have http service inserted and enabled and yet it for some reason wont work and I added prints and I found where the script error's.
I dont understand why is it not returning and outputing the music.
ERROR : attempt to index a field '?' (a nil value)
(And yes it is possible because I have seen others search music from httpservice)
--Question answered by #Gravity Tech
Cmd(5,'Search Http Music','SM','Search Music From HttpService','<returns Service value>',function(Owner,Msg) local http=game:GetService('HttpService') print('Got Service') local Url='http://rproxy.tk/catalog/json?Keyword='..tostring(Msg)..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=15' print('Got URL') local Assets=http:GetAsync(Url) print('Got JSONdecode') for i=1,#Assets do print('Got for 1 data') Tablet(Owner,Assets[i].Name,function() ---------------------------------------[ !!! LOOK HERE !!! ]------------- print('Got for each i = tablets') local Sound=Instance.new('Sound',game.workspace) print('Got Instance') Sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..Assets[i].AssetId print('Got assetid') Sound.Volume=1 print('Got volume') Sound.Pitch=1 print('Got pitch') wait() print('Got wait') Sound:Play() print('Got :Play()') Dismiss(Owner) print('Got Dismiss(Owner)') end) end end)