I have two script's that explode a model and another script that moves my rocket model it works just fine but it stops working when I use it for a second time here are my scripts:
(Script 1)
local rocket = game.ReplicatedStorage.Rocket local button = game.Workspace.VipButtonRocket local cannonC = game.ReplicatedStorage.RocketShooter:Clone() local happyhome = game.ReplicatedStorage.HappyHome:Clone() local house = game.Workspace.HappyHome local canBoom = true local function boom(otherPart) wait(6) local partParent = otherPart.Parent local humanoid = partParent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') if humanoid and canBoom then canBoom = false for num, child in pairs(house:GetChildren()) do if child:IsA('Part') then local explosion = Instance.new('Explosion') explosion.Parent = game.Workspace child.Anchored = false explosion.Position = child.Position end end wait(3) canBoom = true end end button.Touched:Connect(boom) wait(24) happyhome.Parent = game.Workspace happyhome:MoveTo(Vector3.new(1176, 51.4, 46)) cannonC.Parent = game.Workspace cannonC:MoveTo(Vector3.new(1180, 39.5, 327)) game.Workspace.HappyHome:Destroy() button.Parent = game.Workspace button.Transparency = 0
This script Explodes my model
(Script 2)
local rocket = game.ReplicatedStorage.Rocket local button = game.Workspace.VipButtonRocket local cannon = game.ReplicatedStorage.RocketShooter local RCopy = rocket:Clone() local CCopy = cannon:Clone() local happyhome = game.ReplicatedStorage.HappyHome:Clone() button.Touched:Connect(function() RCopy.Anchored = true button.Transparency = 1 button.CanCollide = false button.Parent = game.Lighting CCopy.Parent = game.Workspace RCopy.Parent = game.Workspace wait(5.5) end) while wait(.001) do RCopy.CFrame = RCopy.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, 0, -1) if RCopy.Position.Z < 96 then RCopy.Parent = game.Lighting CCopy.Parent = game.Lighting end end
This script moves my rocket model and is supposed to respawn my models,Thanks.