I have a script that reads from folders in a folder all values having int value and numbervalue. How do I correctly make them appear in the table with the values: child.Parent.Name, child.Name, child.Value
local tablevalues = { NameParent = { NameValue = { Value = 5 } } } for _, child in ipairs(replicatedstorage.ForCopy:GetDescendants()) do if child.ClassName == "IntValue" or child.ClassName == "NumberValue" then table.insert(tablevalues, {[child.Parent.Name] = {[child.Name]=child.Value}}) end end
{NameParent = {NameValue = {Value = 5}}, [11] = {HoneyBadger = {Cost = 0}}, [12] = {HoneyBadger = {Damage = 150}}, [13] = {HoneyBadger = {Firerate = 1}}, [14] = {HoneyBadger = {Level = 3}}, [15] = {HoneyBadger = {MaxAmmo = 4}}, [16] = {HoneyBadger2 = {Cost = 0}}, [17] = {HoneyBadger2 = {Damage = 150}}, [18] = {HoneyBadger2 = {Firerate = 1}}, [19] = {HoneyBadger2 = {Level = 3}},
I managed to transfer it all to the table, but what do I need to add so that if he sees an existing name in the table, say, honey badger, then he adds values to it? And did not create a new honey badger