Hello! So I've been bored and I've tried to make a basic Humanoid:MoveTo() script which disables player's controls when the player's character is spawning and when Humanoid.MoveToFinished event fires the controls are back with the player.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) task.wait() player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) char.Humanoid:MoveTo(game.Workspace.Part.Position) game.ReplicatedStorage.DisableControls:FireClient(player, "0") task.wait() char.Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Wait() print("Move to finished") game.ReplicatedStorage.DisableControls:FireClient(player, "1") end) end)
When the player finishes walking to the point set in Humanoid:MoveTo() he obviously stops moving, but I don't see "Move to finished" message on output and my controls aren't back yet.
Basically the script is stuck on MoveToFinished and the stuff after the line with MoveToFinish isn't executing.