i want to make script, that will spawns a car, but if car is already has spawned on the original position of the model, next car couldn't spawns on other's car position. Other thing, that i want to it be in the script, is car amount (maybe 12 car can be spawned), i don't want to cars spawn to much, make some system what makes cars disappearing if people near car aren't present. And if character dies, car destroys with character.
There's my stupid try to make script, i connected two others scripts (i'm so bad at scripting).
local IgnoreList = {"Inv"} local Box = game.workspace.Model.SpawnBox local TouchingParts = Box:GetTouchingParts() for i = 1,#TouchingParts do if table.find(IgnoreList,TouchingParts[i]) then
model = system.Station system = script.Parent backup = model:Clone() regen = system.Regen
function checkRegen()
if regen.Value == 1 then model:remove() wait(1) model = backup:Clone() model.Parent = system model:MakeJoints() end
end end
backup = model:Clone() regen = system.Regen
function checkRegen() if regen.Value == 1 then
model:remove() wait(1) model = backup:Clone() model.Parent = system model:MakeJoints() end