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How can I make this print an output with AM/PM?

Asked by 9 years ago
function sTime()
    t = tick()
    local sec = math.floor((t%60))
    local min = math.floor((t/60)%60)
    local hour =  math.floor(math.fmod((t/3600),24))
    if not (sec<10) then sec = math.floor(sec) else sec = "0"..math.floor(sec) end
    ssec = sec
    mmin = tostring((min < 10 and "0" or "") .. min)
    tag = (Type == 1 and (hour < 12 and "AM" or "PM") or "")
    mhour = math.fmod(hour,12)--[[((Type == 1 and hour < 10 and "0" or "") .. tostring(Type == 0 and (hour == 0 and 12 or hour > 12 and (hour-12) or hour) or hour))    -- Ternary operators FTW. Helps get rid of 'if then' stuff. Actually learned this off of Java programming:  z = (x == y ? "Yes" : "No")]]
    local c,s = ":",(Type == 1 and " " or "")   -- Colon, (space if 12 hr clock)
    Time = (mhour .. c .. mmin .. (ssec and c .. sec or "") .. s .. tag)
    return Time

Right now, it's printing something like 11:11:12, and it doesn't show AM or PM. This isn't something I made, I'm just using it to get the time, and the coding is a bit hard for me to understand it completely. So does anyone know how I could change this to make it show up with an AM or PM tag?

Thank you!

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago
function sTime()
    t = tick()
    local sec = math.floor((t%60))
    local min = math.floor((t/60)%60)
    local hour =  math.floor(math.fmod((t/3600),24))
    if not (sec<10) then sec = math.floor(sec) else sec = "0"..math.floor(sec) end
    ssec = sec
    mmin = tostring((min < 10 and "0" or "") .. min)
    tag = (Type == 1 and (hour < 12 and "AM" or "PM") or "")
    mhour = math.fmod(hour,12)--[[((Type == 1 and hour < 10 and "0" or "") .. tostring(Type == 0 and (hour == 0 and 12 or hour > 12 and (hour-12) or hour) or hour))    -- Ternary operators FTW. Helps get rid of 'if then' stuff. Actually learned this off of Java programming:  z = (x == y ? "Yes" : "No")]]
    local c,s = ":",(Type == 1 and " " or "")   -- Colon, (space if 12 hr clock)
    Time = (mhour .. c .. mmin .. (ssec and c .. sec or "") .. s .. tag)
    if hour < 12 then
        return "AM"
        return "PM"


There, it is checking the hour which is already an int.

If you want the number to show before the actual "AM" use concatenation (Time.." AM") RaverKiller 668 — 9y
Ohh! I should've known that! Thank you!! Devotional 210 — 9y
No problem :) RaverKiller 668 — 9y

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